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Thanksgiving Table Talk

Throughout the year we gather around the table with friends, family, coworkers and new acquaintances. Thanksgiving and other holidays might make some of us a little apprehensive or nervous – perhaps not knowing what is in your aunt’s ‘special pie’ or maybe it is not knowing what you will talk about. There are plenty of topics you know you do not want to talk about – but ‘doing good’ and ‘giving’ are generally ‘safe’ topics, and incredibly enriching, too.

Here are ideas for steering the conversation towards giving and philanthropy:

  • Encourage those around you to reflect and share their own gratitude and what it is they are thankful for at this season of life.
  • Ask personalized questions about what someone does to make their own social impact, including giving to charities, volunteering, serving on boards, recycling, donating food and clothing to people in need, and even caring for their own health and wellness.
  • Other direct questions could include:
    • What problem raises your eyebrows the most when you read about it in the news?
    • What are the pieces of the puzzle that would need to come together to solve that problem in your community?
    • If there were one piece of that puzzle you could put into place with a magic wand, what would it be?
  • Share a story of impact; either your own or someone you know. Maybe someone will step up and share their own.
  • As an additional way to enhance the stories you share about philanthropy, be sure to talk about the “giving” side of the equation. In other words, talk about the point of view of the person doing the good and the nonprofit involved.
    • How did the experience with philanthropy make the giver feel?
    • How did the giver’s own life improve, right along with the lives of the people who ultimately received the charitable support?
    • Did the giver reap positive changes to their mental and physical health by integrating philanthropy into their life?
    • How was the giver’s life enriched by feelings of gratitude and the ability to help people in need?
    • What did the nonprofit do with the gift to improve lives?
    • How does that nonprofit measure success of its initiatives?

If you find yourself the main facilitator of these conversations – bravo! Your charitable heart has led to this moment and role. You are most likely already aware that giving comes in a variety of forms and can be very personal to people. Be sure to:

  • Recognize the importance of someone feeling empowered to make a difference in other people’s lives in the ways that mean the most to them.
  • If you are in group conversations, be conscious of ensuring all voices are heard, particularly as views across generations can differ.
  • If conversations go sideways, try to re-center and identify common ground – or declare it is time for dessert and moving to a more ‘comfortable’ space!

We hope that you enjoyed this article and took note of a few ideas on how to get a conversation started around giving and philanthropy Remember to show genuine thankfulness to those around you who engage in this conversation; it is one of the best ways to instill and encourage philanthropic values that will last a lifetime.

If you would like to continue these conversations around charitable giving and learn how the North Georgia Community Foundation can come alongside you, let us know! If you know our team, we love to chat, laugh, and fellowship – we invite you to be part of our NGCF family.

Stay Informed.