News & Publications

NGCF Establishes Coronavirus Relief Fund

No One Fights Alone.
We Fight Together: Against the Coronavirus Impact

This past weekend NGCF posted a message  on our social media that ‘no one fights alone.’ Today, we put those words to action with the creation of the NGCF Coronavirus Relief Fund. As we process the news of the spread of coronavirus and how it is impacting the community, we call home – and that you call home – we know it is time to fight, together.

We ask you to consider donating to the Image may contain: foodNGCF Coronavirus Relief Fund, a fund that will make strategic grants to nonprofits impacted by and serving those who are affected by the coronavirus.

NGCF’s advisory committee will oversee the distribution of funds raised. The committee includes members of our NGCF board of directors who represent all of North Georgia.

We understand this epidemic will impact our community and our local nonprofits in many ways, including increased demand for their services, lost revenue due to closures and cancellations, as well as other challenges. In order to move resources quickly, we are not hosting a formal application process for the Fund. You may email our President & CEO, Michelle Prater, directly at to inform her of the impact this virus is having on your organization and how you are serving those individuals or families who are being directly impacted at this time.

We look forward to the day that the funds raised will no longer be needed to fight the effects of the coronavirus and the battle has been won. At that time, remaining funds will become part of our Disaster Relief Fund which is used for similar needs that arise in our community.

Thank you for your continued generosity and support of our community. If you have any questions about the NGCF Coronavirus Relief Fund or other ways you can be involved in efforts to help, please let us know. To donate to the NGCF Coronavirus Relief Fund please visit We will continue to provide updates as we fight this fight together.

Coronavirus Impact on NGCF Operations and G.R.O.W. Program

For NGCF Fundholders: NGCF is and will continue to be fully operational and will be here to assist you whether we are working in the office or remotely.

For G.R.O.W. Participants: March G.R.O.W. Programs have been postponed and our team is working to reschedule those dates. As soon as the dates are confirmed we will notify participants.

We will continue to monitor conditions and will update you on any additional changes or postponements.

Stay Informed.