
NGCF is Hiring for Two Positions

GROWTH and New Positions at The North Georgia Community Foundation Over the past few years the North Georgia Community Foundation has had the opportunity to work with an abundance of new fund holders, donors, and non-profit partners. We are blessed that these opportunities have led to incredible growth and impact across the region we serve.[…..]

Fall Newsletter + Happy Thanksgiving!

We are thankful to live in a generous North Georgia community! We invite you to read our Fall Newsletter and see what is going on at NGCF. Fall Newsletter

2018 Community Impact Grant Recipients

North Georgia Community Foundation 2018 Community Impact Grant Recipients GAINESVILLE, Ga. – The North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF) has selected programs and projects at 27 non-profit organizations to receive a Community Impact Grant from their 2018 application cycle. A total of $66,611.50 in grant money will be spread across the Foundation’s 15 county region to[…..]

Nixon, Whalen, Wilheit added to the North Georgia Community Foundation Board

Nixon, Whalen, Wilheit added to the North Georgia Community Foundation Board Gainesville-Hall County, Georgia – (August 21, 2018) The North Georgia Community Foundation continues its strong leadership representation on its Board of Directors and is pleased to announce three Hall County residents to the Board this year: Ann Nixon, Brian Whalen, and Mary Hart Wilheit.[…..]

2017 NGCF Annual Report

The North Georgia Community Foundation was fortunate to experience a year of growth in 2017 because of you: our donor, our non-profit partner, our board, and our community friends. The impact of your generosity and philanthropic efforts were strongly felt across our 15 county region. We invite you celebrate the year with us by looking through[…..]

TICA Scholarship goes to Franklin County student

GAINESVILLE – (July 2018) – The 2018 Toyota Industries Compressor Parts America (TICA) Scholarship family award recipient was Franklin County resident, William Freeman. William immersed himself in several community and school activities including serving with the Habitat for Humanity, Boy Scouts and participating on the Franklin County High Academic Team, who were the region champions[…..]

2018 Third Quarter Newsletter

Find out more about our upcoming Celebration of Community Event, our 2017 Annual Report, the NGCF New Website PLUS read about our Endowment Partner, the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia! Read NGCF 3rd Quarter Newsletter Now

Gainesville High School Class of 1964 Awards First Scholarship

GAINESVILLE, Ga. – The Gainesville High School Class of 1964 gather together for more than just reunions. They have a passion for giving back to the school that they love and which is a source of many fond memories. Their first class project was two “elephant” benches that are located around the flagpole on the[…..]

Local Law Firm Gives Back to Community

GAINESVILLE, GA – Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP recently handed out two scholarships in the community to graduating high school seniors. Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP is a full service law firm which handles wrongful death, personal injury claims, family law and real estate matters.  The firm consists of 5 lawyers and approximately 15 in[…..]

North Georgia Community Foundation Accepting 2018 Grant Applications

GAINESVILLE, Ga. – The North Georgia Community Foundation is currently accepting grant requests for projects funded through its Community Impact Fund. Nonprofit organizations located in the Community Foundation’s 15-county North Georgia service area may apply for funding. Funds are available for nonprofit organizations with projects designed to improve the quality of life in the region.[…..]

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