Scholarship Reviewers

Scholarship reviewers are an essential part of our scholarship process. We sincerely appreciate the time, effort, and expertise our reviewers contribute to ensure that deserving candidates are recognized.

Information for Scholarship Reviewers:

Each reviewer will be assigned applications to review along with specific criteria and background information pertaining to the scholarships. Scholarship reviews take place within the NGCF Scholarship Portal:

Reviewer Resources:

To help explain how to navigate the scholarship portal and reviews, we have uploaded our live training from this year. In addition, we have provided a document with supplemental information and explanations to commonly asked scholarship questions.

Important Dates for Scholarship Reviewers:

**Prior to Reviewing Scholarships**
Before beginning the scholarship review process, each committee member is required to complete their Conflict of Interest (COI) Form, which can be found on the scholarship portal. This ensures that our scholarship team is aware of any potential conflicts that may arise regarding specific scholarship funds. Please note that no committee member can begin reviewing scholarship applications until all COI forms have been submitted and processed for each committee member. Thank you for your attention to this important step.

March 3: Scholarship applications close for students at 5:00 p.m.

By March 15: All reviewer application assignments will be completed and ready for access in the scholarship portal (provided that all Conflict of Interest (COI) forms have been submitted and processed. Please ensure that your COI form is completed to avoid any delays in accessing your assignments.)

April 15 at 5:00 p.m.: Scholarship reviews must be submitted in the scholarship portal.

Have a question about being a scholarship reviewer? Reach out us at or 770-535-7880.

Stay Informed.